See a GP by video
App Store rating
rated Good
UK GP appointments
Find the right care
How Livi works
Get the Livi app
Download Livi from the App Store or Google Play, register and let the doctor know your symptoms.
Select your GP practice
Type in the name of your GP practice. If you’re not yet eligible for the NHS service, select pay-as-you-go.
Register and pick a time that suits you
Book your doctor appointment and wait for them to call you via the app. You’ll be notified before it starts.
NHS patients
We want to make healthcare more accessible to everyone. So we partner with NHS GP practices to offer free online doctor appointments to registered patients. Livi is already available to 10 million people across the UK.
Pay-as-you-go patients
We want quality healthcare to be available to everyone in the UK. A GP appointment with Livi costs £59 and includes prescription writing, private referrals and sick notes. There are no hidden costs.
The price of a GP appointment includes medical advice, prescription writing, sick notes and referrals.
GP appointment | |
NHS service | Free |
Pay-as-you-go | £45 |
Meet some of our GPs
Our doctors are all GMC-registered, NHS trained, and have years of experience in providing excellent care.
Rhianna McClymont
Todd Green
Avais Malik
Patient voices
Inspiring stories from people who have used our service on their health journey, from living with skin conditions to surviving cancer.
What our patients say
"For so long I hadn't been able to put a face to my doctor. But this felt personal."
"Livi fits in with my lifestyle and I was surprised by the quality of care I could get through my phone."
"I would use Livi any day over going to a physical GP surgery. It's just so convenient."
Our partners
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Whether you need medical advice or treatment for a health concern, book an appointment to speak to a doctor online.
Outstanding healthcare
We're the first digital healthcare provider to be rated Outstanding by the CQC.
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