Meet our GPs

All Livi GPs are registered with the General Medical Council and have years of experience providing expert medical care. Meet some of our friendly, professional GPs here...

Dr Rhianna McClymont

Dr McClymont works for Livi as a lead GP, as well as giving her time to the NHS in-practice. She enjoys the flexibility that Livi offers and how easy it is for patients to access healthcare at a time and place that suits them. She is passionate about lifestyle medicine and helping people make the best decisions about their health. In her spare time, she enjoys country walks, dancing and exploring new places.

Dr Hemal Shah

Being a GP is something Dr Shah always wanted to do, as he’s motivated by making a difference to people’s lives. His primary focus is on healthcare for children, and he’s recently become a father to twin boys. Dr Shah loves to dive in his spare time, and has reached an impressive total of over 80 dives across the world.

Dr Rick Duggal

Dr Rick Duggal has been practicing as a doctor for over 25 years. He loves the flexibility of Livi as it gives ultimate ease to patients, and means he can be at home with his family without sacrificing any time as a GP. He even fits in time to pursue playing the keyboard, too!

Dr Vanessa Lynch

Dance-loving Dr Lynch juggled several part-time jobs during her years at King’s College in London, to pay for her fees to study as a GP. Working for Livi, she feels helpful and connected to people, putting her GP skills to good use during difficult times. Dr Lynch’s key bit of advice? Do more of what makes you happy, as long as it’s good for you.

Our GP community is growing rapidly, and each one is supported by our medical and operational teams. Be inspired by Dr Tas Patwa’s story of why she loves working as a Livi GP...

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