Terms and Conditions 

 We’re a leading healthcare provider with a mission to build better and more accessible care for everyone. We help millions of patients with many different health concerns through our virtual appointments delivered via the Livi App or through one of our NHS partners.  At Livi, we help to make more possible, increasing clinical capacity, efficiency and quality of care across the UK health system for patients, clinicians and partners.  

Before we get started, please remember that Livi should not be used in the event of an emergency. Please ensure that you call 999 or go to your nearest Accident and Emergency unit. 

If you are receiving healthcare services from Digital Medical Supply UK Limited (“Livi”) as a benefit under an insurance contract with Vitality, then please note that only section 9 of these Terms and Conditions will apply. 

Before you start using the Livi App, please read these T&Cs which set out some important information including: 

  • what you can expect when you use the Livi App and receive remote healthcare; 

  • what is expected of you when use the Livi App; and 

  • in the event that you have a complaint, how you should raise this. 

You are required to accept these T&Cs before you use the Livi App. If you would like to query anything beforehand, please feel free to contact Livi Support at support@livi.co.uk. 

1. Who we are 

1.1 KRY International AB (556967-0820) located at Torsgatan 21, 113 21, Stockholm, Sweden is the owner of the platform used to provide digital healthcare through a computer or smartphone application (the “Livi Platform”) to patients who have downloaded the app (the “Livi App”). The Livi App can be used to, amongst other things, book an appointment with a licensed healthcare practitioner, which includes approved GPs, advanced clinical practitioners and nurses (“Healthcare Practitioner”) for medical advice via a digital video consultation which will be provided by the Healthcare Practitioner on behalf of a licensed healthcare provider (“Medical Consultation”). 

1.2 KRY is not a licensed healthcare provider and takes no responsibility for the content or quality of medical advice provided within or in connection with a Medical Consultation. 

1.3 All Medical Consultations delivered via the Livi App are delivered by an approved Healthcare Practitioner on behalf of Digital Medical Supply UK Limited (“Livi”). Livi is a company registered in England and Wales and a wholly owned affiliate of KRY, is a licensed healthcare provider and is registered with the Care Quality Commission in England. 

1.5 Livi will provide you with certain services to support your Medical Consultation and unless specified otherwise, will also be your Healthcare Provider. 

1.6 Any references to "we", "us" and "our" in these T&Cs are references to KRY and/or Livi as relevant. 

2. Livi services 

2.1 There are a number of ways to have a Medical Consultation through the Livi App, for example: 

2.1.1 Livi has partnered with a number of GP surgeries in England (“Partner Surgeries”) to enable patients registered at one of these Partner Surgeries to access Medical Consultations via the Livi App (“NHS Service”). 

2.1.2 To enable Livi to provide healthcare to all patients in England, Livi has launched a pay-as-you-go service which enables patients to access Medical Consultations via the Livi App for a fee (“Pay-as-you-go Service”).  This can either be accessed by you individually, or through a corporate partner. 

2.1.3 Livi has partnered with Babylon Healthcare Services Limited and eMed Healthcare UK Limited (together referred to as eMed) to enable Authorised Users to access Medical Consultations via the Livi App (the “eMed Service”).  Authorised Users are individuals who either (i) have an eMed subscription; (ii) are covered by either their or their family member’s employer as a company benefit; or (iii) are insured by either Lime Health or Freedom Health insurance products. 

3. How the NHS Service on the Livi App works 

3.1 As mentioned above, Livi has a number of Partner Surgeries and patients of these Partner Surgeries can access Medical Consultations via the Livi App. To find out if you are eligible for the NHS Service please complete the account registration process which involves the following steps: 

3.1.1 provision by you of certain basic personal information and a selfie. Please note that you must be at least 16 years old to use the Livi App so any children will need to booked via an adult’s account. 

3.1.2 acceptance by you of these T&Cs and acknowledgement that you have read the Privacy Notice; and 

3.1.3 a search for the GP surgery where you are registered in the practice selector. If your GP surgery is a Partner Surgery then you can create an account. If not, we will unfortunately not be able to offer the NHS Service to you. 

3.2 Once your account has been registered, you will be able to book a Medical Consultation by answering a series of short questions regarding the symptoms that you are experiencing. Please note that not all medical conditions are suitable for a digital consultation and you should not use the Livi App in cases of emergency. 

3.3 The Medical Consultation will take place and you will be informed either prior to or during the booking of the name of the Healthcare Practitioner. 

3.4 At the start of the Medical Consultation the Healthcare Practitioner will ask you to confirm certain information from your medical record in order to verify your identity and protect the confidentiality of your medical record. If you are unable to answer these questions to the satisfaction of the Healthcare Practitioner then your Medical Consultation will be terminated. In that situation, the Healthcare Practitioner will advise you of alternative options for seeking care. 

3.5 You can use your account to book an appointment for a child that you have parental responsibility for provided that: 
3.5.1 they are aged between 2 and 16; 
3.5.2 they are registered at the same GP surgery as you; and 
3.5.3 their medical record contains the same home address as your medical record. 
Please see our FAQ for more information. 

4. How the Pay-as-you-go and eMed Service on the Livi App works 

4.1 You will need to download the Livi App and complete the account registration process which involves the following steps: 

4.1.1 provision by you of certain basic personal information and a partner code if you are accessing the eMed Service. Please note that you must be at least 16 years old to use the Livi App.  If you are under 16, your parent must add you to their account to access a Medical Consultation; 

4.1.2 acceptance by you to these terms and conditions and an acknowledgement that you have read our Privacy Notice; and 

4.1.3 verification of your identity by uploading an image of an official photo ID document (for example passport or driving licence) and a selfie which we will use to compare with your ID. We work with an established third party provider to perform these checks. If you have any issues or queries, please contact Livi’s support team via email to livi@support.co.uk or by telephone by calling 020 3870 3029. Please note that you will not be able to have a Medical Consultation until you have met our ID verification requirements 

4.2 Once your account has been registered you will be able to book a Medical Consultation. You can upload photos before your Medical Consultation which may be useful for the Healthcare Practitioner to see. Please note that not all medical conditions are suitable for a digital consultation and you should not use the Livi App in cases of emergency. 

4.3 When required, you will pay for the Medical Consultation via the Livi App using our third party payment provider. Please refer to their website for their terms and conditions. We reserve the right to change the price of the Pay-as-you-go Service from time to time or offer discounted price promotions. 

4.4 The Medical Consultation will take place and Digital Medical Supply UK Limited will be the Healthcare Provider. 

4.5 At the start of the Medical Consultation the Healthcare Practitioner will confirm your video likeness matches the selfie you provided in order to confirm your identity and protect the confidentiality of your medical record. If the Healthcare Practitioner is unable to confirm your identity to their satisfaction, your Medical Consultation will be terminated. 

5. During your Medical Consultation 

5.1 All GPs conducting Medical Consultations on the Livi App are GMC registered. All other Medical Practitioners are licensed with their relevant bodies. 

5.2 You will provide the Healthcare Practitioner with accurate information as requested and any information which you feel is relevant for them to know. 

5.3 You agree to treat all of our staff and all Healthcare Practitioners which you come into contact with, with dignity and respect. We do not tolerate any abusive or offensive language or behaviour and reserve the right to terminate your account and block access to the Livi App in the event that you are in breach of this. 

5.4 If you are using our Pay-as-you-go Service then you will be asked to consent to the Livi Healthcare Practitioner accessing your summary care record, if you have one. 

5.5 We are unable to treat children under 16 years of age without having access to their summary care record. 

6. Outcomes from your Medical Consultation 

6.1 If the Healthcare Practitioner determines during your Medical Consultation that you require: 

6.1.1 a prescription, then this will be sent to the pharmacy of your choice, or to your nominated pharmacy within England (we cannot send prescriptions outside of England). If you have a prescription issued on our Pay-as-you-go or eMed Service, you will be sent an email and SMS message from our third party digital prescription provider. The message will contain a unique redemption code and information on how you can collect your prescription from any pharmacy in the UK and Northern Ireland 

6.1.2 a referral, then: If using the NHS Service we will either inform your NHS GP practice that a referral is required and they will action this for you. We will send you confirmation of this within the messaging section in the app, so you know how to follow up on the referral if needed. Depending on the NHS partnership, we may process the referral via the NHS e-referral portal and you will receive a copy of the referral confirmation via the Livi app messaging system. If you have requested a private referral letter, this will be sent directly to you in the Livi app. We cannot refer direct to a private provider on your behalf. If you are using the Pay-as-you-go or eMed Service, a private referral letter will be sent to you directly within the Livi App.  We cannot refer you directly to an NHS provider or private clinic.  

6.1.3 a fit note will be sent to you via the Livi app when using the NHS, Pay-as-you-go or  eMed Service. 

6.2 Please note that we do not provide prescriptions for controlled drugs (as defined by the Misuse of Drug Act 1971), except codeine in medically appropriate situations. 

7. Vitality Offering 

7.1 If you receive healthcare services from Livi as a benefit under an insurance contract with Vitality, or as a dependent under someone else’s contract with Vitality, then the provisions of this clause will apply to the provision of healthcare services from Livi to you. 

7.2 You can book appointments with Livi through Vitality’s app and will be required to: 

7.2.1 accept these T&Cs and acknowledge that you have read the Privacy Notice; and  

7.2.2 help us verify your identity by uploading an image of an official photo ID document (for example passport or driving licence) and a selfie which we will use to compare with your ID. We work with an established third party provider to perform these checks. If you have any issues or queries, please contact Livi’s support team via email to vgpcustomerservice@livi.co.uk or by telephone by calling 020 3870 3029. Please note that you will not be able to have a digital video consultation until you have met our ID verification requirements 

Livi will also receive information from Vitality to inform and enable conduct of the digital video consultation, please see our Privacy Notice).   
You must ensure that you login to Vitality’s App each time using your username and password to maintain the security and privacy of your personal information. 

7.3 At the start of your digital video consultation, the Healthcare Practitioner will confirm your video likeness matches the selfie you provided in order to confirm your identity and protect the confidentiality of your medical record. If the Healthcare Practitioner is unable to confirm your identity to their satisfaction, your digital video consultation will be terminated. If the appointment is for your child then you will be asked to provide an image of your child’s full birth certificate or other official documentation which indicates parental responsibility. The suitability of such documentation shall be determined by Livi. 

7.4 You can also access a Healthcare Practitioner, typically a nurse, by calling Vitality's Health Advice Line provided by Livi in accordance with your contract with Vitality. Please note that the Healthcare Practitioner will not have access to your medical records and will not be able to issue prescriptions, fit notes or referrals. In addition, the  Healthcare Practitioner on the Health Advice Line will not be able to share notes of your phone consultation with your registered GP practice. The Health Advice Line must not be used in emergency situations.  Our Healthcare Practitioners cannot give advice for children under the age of 18 

7.5 All GPs conducting work for Livi are GMC registered. All other Healthcare Practitioners are licensed with their relevant bodies as appropriate. 

7.6 During your digital video consultation or call to the Livi Consultation you will provide the Healthcare Practitioner (as relevant) with accurate information as requested and any information which you feel is relevant for them to know. 

7.7 You agree to treat all of our staff and Healthcare Practitioners which you come into contact with, with dignity and respect. We do not tolerate any abusive or offensive language or behaviour and reserve the right to terminate your access to Livi in the event that you are in breach of this. 

7.8 If the Healthcare Practitioner determines during your digital video consultation that you require: 

7.8.1 a prescription, then you will receive an email and SMS with a unique code and instructions on how you can collect your prescription from any pharmacy within the UK and Northern Ireland.  

7.8.2 a referral, then this will be processed via Vitality and you should contact Vitality with any follow up questions regarding this. 

Please note that Livi will be unable to issue prescriptions or referrals through Vitality’s Health Advice Line provided by Livi. 

7.9 We do not provide prescriptions for controlled drugs (as defined by the Misuse of Drug Act 1971), except codeine in medically appropriate situations. 

For every consultation you will receive a consultation letter, and or/referral letter from your Vitality GP.  You will receive an email and SMS with details on how to access this documentation.  

7.10 You must be a UK resident to have a Livi Consultation. If you use Vitality’s Health Advice Line outside the UK then it is your responsibility to ensure whether this is in accordance with the laws of the country where you are located. You are able to have a digital video consultation when you are outside the UK but you will not be able to use your referral or obtain a prescription while outside the UK (in accordance with Vitality policy conditions). 

7.11 You are not, among other things, permitted to record any Livi Consultations or take photos or screenshots of the Healthcare Practitioner. If you breach these T&Cs, or we suspect that your actions will lead to a breach, then we may take action against you, including terminating the digital video consultations and blocking you from using the Livi Services. 

7.12 The following clauses of these T&Cs will also apply: clause 12 (Livi’s Responsibilities), clause 13 (Our Liabilities), clause 19 (Inability to deliver the service), clause 21 (Personal Data), clause 22 (Complaints) and clause 23 (General Conditions). 

7.13 For the avoidance of doubt, Digital Medical Supply UK Limited will be the licenced healthcare provider (“Healthcare Provider”) in respect of all Livi Consultations. 

8. Charges 

8.1 If you use the NHS Service, you will not be charged for any Medical Consultations provided via the Livi App or any outcomes e.g. fit notes, referrals etc. If you are provided with a prescription then you will be required to pay the standard NHS prescription charge to obtain the medication. 

8.2 If you are using the Pay-as-you-go or eMed Service then payment will be made via the Livi App before you have the Medical Consultation, when required.   In the event that the Healthcare Practitioner provides a prescription then this will be a private prescription and accordingly the cost of the medication will be set by the pharmacy which fulfils it. Please see section 12 below for details of our refund policy. 

9. Marketing 

9.1 By registering for an account in the Livi App, you accept and confirm that your contact details may be used by KRY to send offers and information related to the service via email and push notifications. You can opt-out of email marketing and push notifications at any time by changing your settings in the Livi App or through the opt out link provided in all marketing communications sent to you. 

10. Cancellation of a video consultation and refunds 

10.1 If you have pre-booked a Medical Consultation on the NHS Service then this can be cancelled or changed at any time prior to the start of the Medical Consultation. However, we would ask that you give us at least 15 minutes notice to enable us to provide someone else with the opportunity to use the appointment. 

10.2 If you have joined the drop-in queue for a Medical Consultation on the NHS Service then you can choose to drop out of the queue at any time prior to the start of the Medical Consultation. 

10.3 If you use our Pay-as-you-go Service then you can cancel your Medical Consultation at any time before it starts and receive a full refund. For the Pay-as-you-go Service the cost will be refunded automatically and you should receive this within 5-10 business days. If you do not receive this then please contact Livi Support at support@livi.co.uk or by calling +44 (0)2038703029. 

10.4 If you would like to claim a refund in any other situation then please contact Livi Support at support@livi.co.uk or by calling +44 (0)2038703029 


11. KRY’s Responsibilities 

11.1 Although KRY makes reasonable efforts to keep the information in the Livi App up to date, KRY does not make any representations, warranties or guarantees, whether express or implied, that the content in the Livi App is accurate, complete or up to date. Content in the Livi App is not intended to be medical advice. It is provided for general information only and must not be used as a substitute for a healthcare provider's assessment, diagnosis or treatment of any illness or disease. 

11.2 KRY does not warrant that the availability of the Livi App will be free from disruptions. Disruptions may be caused by a variety of factors including: 
a) errors/problems with your hardware/equipment, network, software or errors in software that is part of a third-party product; 
b) other circumstances that you are responsible for; 
c) a virus on your device or other security threat; or 
d) a circumstance outside of our control. 
Disruptions or errors in the Livi App’s availability should be reported without delay to Livi Support at support@livi.co.uk or by calling +44 (0)2038703029. 

12. Livi’s Responsibilities 

12.1 Where Livi is the responsible Healthcare Provider, Livi will ensure that the Medical Consultation is provided using a level of reasonable skill and care by a Healthcare Practitioner. The Healthcare Practitioners will be either employed by Livi, will provide their services directly to Livi or by way of a third party. 

12.2 Livi Support will support you with any queries related to your Medical Consultation. You can contact them at support@livi.co.uk or by calling +44 (0)2038703029. 

13. Our Liabilities 

13.1 If we fail to comply with our obligations as set out in these T&Cs, and you are not in breach of any of your obligations, then we will be responsible for the loss or damage you suffer that is a foreseeable result of our breach of these T&Cs or our failure to use reasonable care and skill. Loss or damage is foreseeable if either it is obvious that it will happen or if, at the time you accepted these T&Cs, both you and we knew it might happen. 

13.2 Liability is not excluded or limited in any way where it would be unlawful to do so. This includes liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence or the negligence of our employees, agents or subcontractors; or for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation. 

13.3 The Livi App is provided on an “as is” basis without any warranties. 

14. Your Responsibilities 

14.1 You are responsible for ensuring that all information and contact details provided to us are relevant, correct, and kept up to date. Any changes to information must be reported without delay, by contacting Livi Support at support@livi.co.uk or calling +44 (0)2038703029. 

14.2 With respect to the Pay-as-you-go, eMed and Vitality Services, you are responsible for providing us (or our agent as relevant) with valid identification documents which prove your identity (and with respect to child appointments, which prove your parental responsibility for that child) and you warrant that you have done so. You acknowledge and accept that we have no liability for any injury, damage, loss or other detriment that you suffer as a result of incorrect identification documents being provided to us or our agents. 

14.3 You are responsible for all actions relating to the use of your account in the Livi App and shall ensure that your account is used in accordance with these T&Cs. Your account may only be used by you and may not be used by, or transferred to, another person. The only exception to this rule are legal guardians who may use their own account on behalf of a child, provided that the child is between the ages of 2 and 16. 

14.4 If you know or suspect that anyone other than yourself has obtained access to your account, you must promptly notify Livi Support by emailing support@livi.co.uk or calling +44 (0)2038703029 

14.5 We do not guarantee that the Livi App will be free from faults and we will not be responsible for any damage caused as a result of using the Livi App. 

14.6 You must not (i) misuse the Livi App by knowingly introducing viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs or other material that is malicious or technologically harmful; (ii) attempt to gain unauthorised access to the Livi App, the server on which the Livi App is stored or any server, computer or database connected to the Livi App; or (iii) attack the Livi App via a denial-of-service attack or a distributed denial-of service attack. By breaching this provision, you would commit a criminal offence under the Computer Misuse Act 1990. We will report any such breach to the relevant law enforcement authorities and will co-operate with those authorities by disclosing your identity to them. In the event of such a breach, your right to use the Livi App will cease immediately. 

14.7 We provide services to patients who are physically located in a country within the United Kingdom in accordance with English laws and regulations.  Please note that if you do access our services outside of the UK, the Healthcare Practitioner will only be able to provide advice at its discretion and they shall not be able to prescribe or refer.    

15. Intellectual Property Rights 

15.1 We own or have a licence to use, all intellectual property rights (including copyright, trademarks etc) in the Livi App, the Livi Platform, the Livi website (livi.co.uk), our services and their content (“IPR”). 

15.2 We agree to grant you a limited licence to access and make personal use of the Livi App. You must not use our IPR in any other manner, which includes, but is not limited to, copying, distributing or making commercial use of our IPR. 

15.3 You must not reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell or otherwise commercially exploit the Livi App or the Livi Platform without our express written consent. 

15.4 You must not use any of our logos or trademarks without our express written permission. 

16. Unauthorised use and information 

16.1 We take all forms of unauthorised use of your account and the Livi App in breach of these T&Cs and/or our policy regarding security, ethics, etc. seriously. You are not, among other things, permitted to record any Medical Consultations or take photos or screenshots of the Healthcare Practitioner performing the Medical Consultation. If you breach these T&Cs, or we suspect that your actions will lead to a breach, then we may take action against you, including terminating the Medical Consultation and blocking you from the Livi App. 

16.2 We reserve the right to, with reasonable prior notice to you, remove information from the Livi App, close your account or pursue other measures due to your breach of these T&Cs, to protect the accountability or reputation of the Livi App. We also reserve the right to cancel the agreement between us in accordance with clause 17 below. 

16.3 If you have breached these T&Cs or used the Livi App in an unlawful or unauthorised manner, you are responsible for compensating us for any damage that results from such actions (including, but not limited to, legal fees and other claims from third parties). 

17. Term and cancellation 

17.1 If you register an account for the NHS, eMed or Pay-as-you-go Service, you may at any time cancel your account with immediate effect. In the event of cancellation, we will remove all access to your cancelled account and any stored information relating to you will be processed as further set out in our Privacy Notice. 

17.2 We may terminate your access to the Livi App, effective immediately, if you are in breach of these T&Cs. In the event of such a cancellation, your account will be terminated. Information about you that has been stored will be processed as further set out in our Privacy Notice. 

17.3 If your account has been terminated in accordance with this clause then you must not re-register or register a new account without our express written permission. Please contact Livi Support at support@livi.co.uk or +44 (0)2038703029 

18. Product development and changes in T&Cs 

18.1 We reserve the right to change the scope and function of your account and the Livi App. Product and service developments could relate to, although not exclusively, layout, content or functions and may entail alterations to these T&Cs. Material changes will be communicated through the Livi App and/or via email. The T&Cs in force will be available on the Livi App. 

18.2 Updates to the Livi App will be made available from time to time and you are required to download these to ensure that you can make use of all functionality within the Livi App and that you have accepted the latest version of these T&Cs. You may be prevented from having a Medical Consultation until you have done so. 

18.3 The Livi App can only be used on iOS devices running iOS 15 or higher, or Android phones running Android v8.0 or higher. A consistent 4G or faster data connection (e.g. a fast Wi-Fi connection) is required and the Livi App does not operate reliably on 3G, GPRS or EDGE connections. 

19. Inability to deliver the service 

19.1 We may not be able to provide Medical Consultations or otherwise make the Livi App available to you in the event that circumstances arise which are outside our control, for example a strike, fire, government authority action, labour disputes, accidents, closures or malfunctions of public communication systems. 

19.2 In the event that any of the circumstances listed at 21.1 above continues for a period of one (1) month, both you and we will have the right to immediately terminate the agreement between us as set out in these T&Cs. 

20. Notifications 

20.1 You must provide us with the email address and phone number for which you wish to receive confirmations, reminders and other notifications from us. In the event your contact details change, you must notify us of your contact details without delay. Other notifications should be communicated via email. 

20.2 The notification is considered to be delivered: 
a) if sent by email or text message; when delivery to the recipient is confirmed 
b) if sent by pre-paid mail, two days after submission to the post service; or 
c) if sent by courier; upon delivery / acceptance by the recipient. 

21. Personal Data 

21.1 We refer to our Privacy Notice for detailed information on how we process your personal data including clear instructions on your rights and how you can exercise such rights. 

22. Complaints 

22.1 If you have any complaints about the services that we provide or a dispute regarding these T&Cs then please submit your complaint here

22.2 If we are unable to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction and your complaint relates to: 

22.2.1 healthcare services provided through the Livi App then you can refer the matter to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) or Local Government Ombudsman (LGO) or the Independent Sector Complaints Adjudication Service (ISCAS) who will provide an independent adjudication on your complaint. You may also report your complaint to the Care Quality Commission (CQC), your local Integrated Care Board (ICB)) or NHS England; or 

22.2.2 anything other than the healthcare services, then you can refer the complaint to mediation in accordance with the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution’s independent mediation scheme for patients.  

22.3 These T&Cs are subject to the laws of England and Wales and the courts of England and Wales have exclusive jurisdiction to hear any claim arising out of them. 

23. General conditions 

23.1 The agreement between you and us, as set out in these T&Cs, is personal to you and may not be transferred by you to another person without our express written consent. Only you can enforce these T&Cs, although you can enforce them in respect of a child who has made use of our services in accordance with these T&Cs. 

23.2 We reserve the right to employ sub-suppliers to fulfil our rights and obligations under these T&Cs.