Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year's Day opening hours: 08:00-16:00

Adult Safeguarding - information for patients

Safeguarding adults helps protect an adult’s safety and right to a life free from harm, abuse and neglect.

Who is at risk of abuse and neglect?

Any person aged 18 or over with additional care and support needs and who are unable to take care of themselves, or protect themselves from harm.

This may be as a result of illness, disability, age or dependence. Abuse and neglect can happen anywhere and it can be caused by anyone.

What is abuse?

Abuse can take many forms but any abuse is wrong.

  • Physical abuse – including hitting, slapping, kicking, withholding food or being forcibly fed

  • Emotional abuse – including being bullied, threatened or not being allowed contact with others

  • Sexual abuse – including inappropriate or unwanted touching, sexual comments or rape

  • Neglect – including ignoring medical or physical needs

  • Financial – including stealing (money or property), or being pressured into paying for things

  • Institutional – including poor care in a care setting like a hospital

  • Domestic violence – including controlling or threatening behaviour between partners or family members (this also covers forced marriages and female genital mutilation)

  • Slavery – including forced servitude or exploitation

What can I do if I think I am being abused?

It is important that you tell someone and there are lots of people that can help including your clinician at Livi, any healthcare professional, the police, your local authority or Adult Safeguarding team.

At Livi, we promise to listen and take your concerns seriously and we will always treat you with dignity and respect. With your permission we may pass your details on to your local Safeguarding Team, or involve other professionals to ensure everyone is kept safe.

If you are concerned about your immediate safety call 999.

What can I do if I am worried about a vulnerable adult being abused?

There are many signs that could indicate that someone is being abused, for example becoming quiet, aggressive or angry, looking dirty or underfed, physical injuries or being scared of particular people. There may be a sudden change in their finances or important documents might go missing.

Try to talk to the person in private if it is safe and appropriate to do so but it is important not to promise to keep anything a secret. If abuse is happening it needs to be stopped.

There are lots of people that you can contact who can help including their clinician at Livi, any healthcare professional, the police, their local authority or Adult Safeguarding team.

At Livi, we promise to listen and take your concerns seriously and we will always treat you and the person you are concerned about with dignity and respect. We will pass their details on to their local Safeguarding Team who will make sure everyone is kept safe.

If you are concerned about their immediate safety call 999.

Useful national contact numbers

  • The Hourglass Helpline: 0808 808 8141

  • The Learning Disability Helpline: 0808 808 1111

  • Police non emergency: 101

  • NHS non emergency: 111